Product Details
+Green, honey-hong, and charcoal veins Chinese jade bangle bracelet, size 60mm inside diameter, 16.5mm wide. These colors of earth are related to the body's meridians to help balance you and for wellness. The colorful veins can be seen through the translucence of the jade. The honey veins on the translucent parts are more "hong" reddish, like fire, and this color is special and cherished as it is related to the heart meridian.
Chinese river jade is natural color. The color comes from minerals in the river where the jade is mined. It is called "China's National Jade" and used exclusively by Chinese people until jadeite was introduced in the 19th century. It is used in Chinese medicine for health, and often worn by Chinese people as "medicine" for the healing qi energy. The jade is purchased by YYJ jade carver in China and made exclusively for YYJ.